Dr. Sina J. Rometsch
Sina joined the lab in late 2022 as a Gaylord Donnelley Postdoctoral Associate. She is mainly interested in understanding the dynamics of reproductive isolation in adaptive radiations, such as cichlid fishes and anole lizards. In the Muñoz lab, her research focuses on elucidating the drivers of speciation along environmental gradients in a small radiation of anole lizards from the island of Hispaniola. Sina’s work connects species’ ecology with population genomic, behavioural and developmental approaches to determine how environmental gradients affect population divergence and the progression towards strong reproductive isolation.
Contact Information
Email: sina.rometsch@yale [dot] edu
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06511
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06511