Dr. Saúl Domínguez Guerrero
Saúl first joined the lab at Virginia Tech in 2019 and returned in 2020 as a visiting graduate scholar. He is now a post-doctoral researcher in the lab under the auspices of a Yale Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship. He is interested in the evolutionary relationships between thermal physiology, the thermal environment, life history, metabolism, morphology, and thermoregulatory behavior in ectothermic animals. To test adaptive hypotheses about physiological evolution, he employs both population-level approaches and phylogenetic comparative methods. His work in the Muñoz lab investigates convergent physiological evolution associated with transitions to live-bearing (viviparity) in squamates.
Contact Information
Email: sauldguerrero@gmail [dot] com
Department of Ecology and Evolution Yale University New Haven, CT 06511 |